Meleza Powerpoint Presentation Template is the right choice for your Interior, Exterior, Fashion, Modelling and Creative Agency presentations. We offer over a lot of unique presentation slides with a great professional design and creative ideas. Also you can use this Powerpoint Presentation for a variety of purposes, such as: Interior, Exterior, Fashion, Modelling, Creative, Art, Company, Corporate, Agency, Studio, StartUp, Organization, Institution, Projects, Pitch Deck, Pop Art, Product and also can be used for Personal Portfolio.Get it now and save your time!
Presentation Features
- 36 Modern, Creative, Unique Slide
- Perfect for Interior, Exterior, Fashion, Modelling and Creative Agency Project
- 16:9 Wide Screen Ratio
- Handcrafted infographic in Powerpoint
- Gallery and portfolio slide
- Resizable and editable graphic
- Picture placeholder, drag & drop!
- Based on Master slides
- Easy to customize
- 700+ Pixel Perfect icons
What’s included?
- Powerpoint PPTX File
- PDF Preview
- Help File
Font used (free font download link included)Note : All photographs or pictures used in the preview are not included, they are intended for illustration purpose only