Introducing Instagram Video Stories Creator V1
Instagram Video Stories Creator is created with Powerpoint. You can handle it with basic design skills. Using Powerpoint mean you can create unlimited layout possibilities with effortless. Create your own stories base on template which available in slides gallery files OR start from scratch, use the assets from slides library. There are three different slides gallery: single photo layout, two photo layout and three photo layout gallery (coming soon for 4+ photo layout gallery).
The screen is Vertical HD Format 1080×1920 px.
What you will get:
- IG Stories Powerpoint Template for Single Photo (29 slides)
- IG Stories Powerpoint Template for Two Photos (25 slides)
- Starter File in each folder
- Read Me File
- Slide preview
Following are simple steps you can create awesome animated instagram stories video:
Option 1: Base on Template Creation
- Select a slide from slide library.
- Paste into starter file.
- Replace the photo placeholder.
- Export to video format. Upload to your Instagram stories, Done!
Option 2: From Scratch
- Open Starter.pptx File.
- Choose Layout Option.
- Insert your content.
- Animate it.
- Export as video.
It’s time to have fun with unlimited creation of Instagram Stories Creator…. If you have any questions or just need a little help – feel free send us via private message. Thank you and Enjoy!
Watch video tutorial and preview:
——————— NOTE
- Images in the previews and fonts used in this design are not included.
- Fonts could be downloaded from the links on the documentation file.